where can you buy rock salt

buy rock salt

where can you buy rock salt, The Halito Group is the largest supplier and producer of salt rock in Iran which exports its products to the whole world.

Introducing Halito Group

Garmsar is the center of Iran’s rock salt, which supplies more than 80% of Iran’s domestic and export market’s salt demand.

Halito rock salt company is the largest supplier of Garmsar rock Salt and exports its products to the whole world.

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In the following for more about you the types of Garmsar salt products that are exported by the Halito Group are presented.

Introduction of Garmsar rock salt

In the mines of Garmsar, various salt stones are extracted, some of which are not found in the world and are found only in this city.
Garmsar salt types are introduced for further information:

Blue rock salt: Blue rock salt mostly known as Persian Blue Salt the most rarest salt rock in the world it is found only in the mines salt of the Garmsar city of Iran.

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The Halito Group is the largest supplier of blue salt, and always has blue salt available for sale.

Orange rock salt and Red rock salt: Pakistan and Iran have the highest amount of orange rock salt and red rock salt.

But a very important point is the cheap price of Iranian orange and red rock Salt.

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White rock salt purity 99.2 %: An example of white salt rock is extracted from Garmsar mines which has a very exceptional purity of 99.2%.

It is a salt of salt for the production of edible salt in addition, this rock salt has other uses:

  • Remove water hardness
  • Resin recovery
  • Eliminating boiler sediments
  • Wash your dialysis machine
  • Animal feed

Buy rock salt

If you want to buy rock salt any type of Garmsar rock salt, just contact us.

buy rock salt

In the fastest time all orders are in any place from the world you will be delivered to you and the minimum order for delivery depends on the type of rock salt.

Source: Halito rock salt company